Low Intensity Outdoor Activities

Signpost on South Downs

More ideas to get you active outdoors

There are plenty of other methods to stay active that don't involve getting hot and sweaty and aren't too strenuous. Below are some examples.

Tivoli Lifestyle leisure activities

Tivoli Lifestyle maintain the outdoor sports sites and recreation grounds for Arun District Council. From adventure golf to well-kept gardens, there is plenty for you to see and do. Visit the Tivoli Leisure website for details.

Beach combing

Why not make the most of our beaches and try your hand at beachcombing? This activity is low-intensity and gets you to search the shoreline for interesting items. 


Geocaching is "the world's largest treasure hunt". You can download the app to begin exploring your local area and logging your coordinates. Sign up for free on the Geocaching website.

Pokemon Go

Taking the world by storm, Pokemon Go is a mobile game where you have to go out and find different pokemon hidden in your area. You can download the app to your mobile device either from Google Play for android users or the App Store for Apple - it is up to you to catch them all!


What could be more peaceful than grabbing your binoculars, going for a walk and finding a quiet spot to view the local birdlife? There are many locations across the District where you can spot elusive birds, from the banks of the river Arun to our local nature reserves and Wetlands at Arundel, see the Arundel Wetland Centre website


There are plenty of free resources you can use to accompany you while you get active outside:


The BBC Sounds website offer a range of free audiobooks to download. There are also many free podcasts from a range of categories available for download at the BBC podcasts webpage.

You can also find the best podcasts to listen to on the UK Podcasts website

The British Heart Foundation website have listed 8 of the best free fitness apps for you to try.

For some further ideas on outside activities, visit the Sport England Join the Movement website.

The We Are Undefeatable website offer a selection of activities to try if you are balancing a health condition as well.

There are some great websites to help with wildlife identification. Look at the Woodland Trust website, Nature Spot website and the Natural History Museum website for tips and tricks. There are also plenty of free apps you can download too. The BBC Springwatch Blog has listed a few of these for you to download and use. 

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