Alcohol reduction support

Glasses containing alcohol

Is drink sneaking up on you?

Drinking alcohol is a commonly accepted lifestyle choice but can have devastating impact on individuals and families if it gets out of control. 

If you think your drinking is getting out of hand our Wellbeing Alcohol Reduction Advisor can help. We can give clear support to help you plan how to decrease your drinking to a safer level or even quit drinking if you wish. 

Our Alcohol Wellbeing Advisor is able to offer up to six, one-to-one sessions, with clients that are concerned about their drinking levels or where alcohol is becoming problematic in their lives. During the sessions we would assess current levels of drinking by using the Audit C screening tool to help identify what level of risk someone is drinking at and SADQ (Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire) which is a tool to signify if someone has a mild, moderate or severe dependence on alcohol. These tools are used to be able to identify what areas need to be focused on and set goals around reduction of drinking and reducing the risk of alcohol-related harm.

Whilst working with a client specifically around their drinking we would be able to explore any other areas of support they feel would be of benefit and refer internally to other wellbeing services or partner organisations as and when appropriate.

Referrals to this service

If you would like to refer yourself or a client/patient, please complete our secure on-line referral form or call us on 01903 737862. 


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