About Arun Wellbeing
Arun Wellbeing supports you to improve your health and wellbeing by helping you and your family to get more active, eat more healthily, or simply improve your general wellbeing.
By making these kinds of lifestyle changes you can reduce your risk of contracting cardiovascular disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes and some preventable cancers.
Our services
We offer a range of FREE services available for those living or working in the Arun District. Please click on each topic below to take you directly to the specific Arun Wellbeing website page:
- Adviser one-to-one support
- Alcohol reduction support
- NHS Health Checks
- Stop smoking support
- Sleep Support
- WISE (Weight Information Sensible Eating - weight management classes)
- Workplace wellbeing service
Please do not hesitate to contact the team on 01903 737862 or via our secure referral forms:
Client self-referral form (new window)
Health professional client referral form (new window)
Workplace Wellbeing form (new window)
The Arun Wellbeing Team are continuing to support the residents of Arun to stay healthy and well. COVID-19 has taught us a lot about hybrid working and we are now offering a range of face-to-face appointments and workshops, with the option of remote sessions via telephone, email and video conferencing for your convenience. For more details and to get in touch, see our Referral/Contact Us page.
Local NHS and social care services and information
The Wellbeing services do not provide healthcare or social care support or advice. For these services the following places can help:
Prevention Assessment Teams
Prevention Assessment Teams are made up of health advisers (nurses), social care staff and people from the voluntary sector. They aim to help people living locally to stay healthy and remain independent. Normally, they work with people who do not receive services from specialist health care teams or social care services.
They can work with you or your carer and undertake a holistic assessment of your household. This will help identify what support might be required to keep you or your carer independent and prevent or delay the need for more intensive services. They will help you get to the right services for you.
Contact your local Prevention Assessment Team if you think they may be able to help.
NHS Website
The NHS website has lots of information about specific health conditions and services. You can also search for health services near you, such as GPs (family doctors), dentists, pharmacies and NHS walk-in centres.
Healthwatch West Sussex
If you have been on the NHS website and can’t find the right information, try your local Healthwatch, which provides advice, information and help on health services available in our local area.
Visit the Healthwatch West Sussex website or email or call 0300 012 0122 (calls cost the same as to ’01’ and ’02’ numbers).
Social care services in West Sussex
For information about adults’ and children’s social care services visit the West Sussex County Council website.
We welcome feedback on this website or any of the services we provide. Get in touch with us by using the details on the Contact us page.